Sunday, January 6, 2013

Day 5 - January 5th

SATURDAY!  And, a Saturday with Mikey on Winter Break.... the best.  We had to wake up early to clean the church today (bathrooms + kitchen... worst duties...) but you only have to do it once every 2 years, so it wasn't terrible.  After that we came home for a bit of studying (even on break the studying never ends).  At about 2 pm we went to AZ on the Rocks (we had a Groupon) and did 2 hours of indoor rock climbing.  We both were able to master a 5.8, but the 5.9 proved to be a bit too tricky.  It is so fun - we are really loving rock climbing.  Then we used (yet another) Groupon and had linner at our favorite Burger place - Indulge.  It is a neat concept where you get to create your own burger.  Yesterday we watched the movie we rented from the library, The Bucket List, and so while we ate we created a list (including ride a camel while smoking a camel cigarette... can you guess who wanted that one?).  Later we came home and played Mario 64 (seen below), and watched Little Shop of Horrors (MIKEY LOVED IT!)

Getting a star on Mario 64 - can you believe he has never played this game before?!

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